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第4話 『空港でいきなり話しかけられた』編 _英語で3コマ漫画、自然な英会話、英検2次試験対策、TOEIC Speaking対策





Step1. 過去形で答えてみよう

Step2. 2コマ目を現在形として答えてみよう

Step3. 1コマ目を現在として答えてみよう


Step1. 過去形で答えてみよう


①: 英語で確認しましょう。(以下解答例)

When the man sat in the airport lobby, a woman approached him and spoke in an unfamiliar language. Soon after, he used the translation app on his smartphone to figure out what she needed help with. When he realized she said, "Do you have the time?", he showed her the clock. She said, "Thank you," and left.

②: 日本語で確認しましょう。


  • approached: 『近づいた』という意味でapproachは動詞で 〔~に〕近づく[接近する・近寄る]という意味になります。

<例文> He approached me and said “Do you remember me?”(彼は私に近づいてきて、『僕のこと覚えてる』と言った。)

  • unfamiliar language: 『知らない言葉』 という意味。”unfamiliarは[よく知らない、馴染みのない]という意味の形容詞で、ここでは『聞き慣れない』というニュアンスで使われています。

<例文> The food is unfamiliar to me.(その食べ物は私にとって馴染みのないものです。)

  • translation app: 『翻訳アプリケーション』 このアプリを使用することで、言語の壁を乗り越えてコミュニケーションを円滑にすることができます。

  • figure out: 『理解する、解決する』ここでは、女性が何を求めているのかを理解しようとしている様子が描写されています。

<例文> I need to figure out what was going on here. (ここで何が起こっていたのか理解する必要がある。)

  • Do you have time?: 『何時ですか?』 時間を聞く時の定型フレーズです。ここでは女性が現在の時間を知りたがっていることが分かります。

  • showed her the clock: ここでは、男性が女性に時計を見せるという行動が描写されています。彼女の質問に対する答えとして時計を示したことで、コミュニケーションが成立しました。

<例文> When I showed her the clock, she said it was too late to go back home. (私が彼女に時計をみせた時、彼女はもう家に帰るには遅すぎるわと言った。)


When the man (A.  ) in the airport lobby, a woman (B.  ) him and spoke in an (C.  ). Soon after, he used the (D.  ) on his smartphone to (E.  ) what she needed help with. When he realized she said, "(F.  )", he (G.  ) her the clock. She said, "Thank you," and left.

回答* A: tar, B: approached, C: unfamiliar language, D: translation app, E: figure out,  F: Do you have the time?, G: showed

Step2. 2コマ目を現在形として答えてみよう



①: 英語で確認しましょう。(以下解答例)

When the man sat in the airport lobby, a woman approached him and spoke in an unfamiliar language. He uses the translation app on his smartphone to figure out what she needs help with and he realizes she is asking, "Do you have the time?" After he shows her the clock, she will likely say "Thank you," and leave.




1コマ目: When the man sat in the airport lobby, a woman approached him and spoke in an unfamiliar language. (過去の時制:Step1と同じ)

2コマ目:He uses the translation app on his smartphone to figure out what she needs help with and he realizes she is asking, "Do you have the time?" (現在の時制に変化) 

3コマ目:After he shows her the clock, she will likely say "Thank you," and leave. (未来の時制に変化)

④ 穴あき英文で練習しましょう。

When the man (A.  ) in the airport lobby, a woman approached him and spoke in an unfamiliar language. He (B. )  the translation app on his smartphone to figure out what she needs help with and he (C.  ) she is asking, "Do you have the time?" After he (D.  ) her the clock, she (E.  ) likely (F.  ) "Thank you," and leave.

回答* A: sat, B: uses, C: realizes, D: shows, E: will, F: say

Step3. 1コマ目を現在形で答えてみよう




When a man is sitting in the airport lobby, a woman approaches him and speaks in an unfamiliar language. After this, he is likely to use the translation app on his smartphone to figure out what she needs help with. When he realizes she is asking, "Do you have the time?" he will show her the clock, and she will likely say "Thank you," and leave.




1コマ目: When a man is sitting in the airport lobby, a woman approaches him and speaks in an unfamiliar language. (現在の時制に変化)


After this, he is likely to use the translation app on his smartphone to figure out what she needs help with. (未来予測を示す現在形に変化)


When he realizes she is asking, "Do you have the time?" he will show her the clock, and she will likely say "Thank you," and leave. (未来形を用いた予測分に変化)

④: 穴あき英文で練習しましょう。

When a man (A.  ) in the airport lobby, a woman (B.  ) him and speaks in an unfamiliar language. After this, he (C.  ) use the translation app on his smartphone to figure out what she needs help with. When he (D.  ) she is asking, "Do you have the time?" he (E.  )show her the clock, and she (F.  ) say "Thank you," and leave.

回答* A: is sitting , B: approaches, C: is likely to, D: realizes, E: will, F: will likely





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